Masz coś czego nie jesteś w stanie naprawić?
Skontktuj się z nami jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany współpracą. Dla serwisów oraz sklepów komputerowych mamy ceny hurtowe na nasze naprawy.
Sprawdź naszą ofertę
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Uczciwa wycena
We make market-value offers to help guarantee your satisfaction. Our expert technicians assess your device so you are getting a great price for it.
Szybka diagnoza
Busy Schedule? No problem! Our offer for your phone or other device is guaranteed for 10 days.
Same-Day In-Store Payouts
We promise same day, in-store payouts. Simply bring your device and walk away with cash in just minutes!
Selling To Us Is Safe
Forget to wipe your data? Our expert technicians will take care of it for you. You can rest assured your information is safe.